Monday, May 31, 2010

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Much better day today. Although he had a rough time with coughing and congestion in the early hours of the morning, John slept from about 3am through to the morning. He got up at about 9am and felt quite good. He felt well enough that I was able to slip out to church. He said the pain has lessened considerably and did not have any T3's today.
My timer stopped working that beeps to remind me every hour to give him his meds or feeding and so I was 15 minutes late in giving him his meds at 8:30 - and he suffered a bad time from that for about 45 minutes. He also had to have extra meds given at bedtime because the 10:30 meds did not do the job.
Otherwise it was a pretty good day.
I think we could give it a one thumbs up.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Not a good day at all for John. The meds did not seem to work well all day. He felt lousy. He spent most of the day either in bed or on the couch. Our friend Debbie came over to visit and stayed with John while I ran out to do a few errands. Later Margie joined us for supper - but John was feeling too poorly to even join us for some ice cream - which he usually does.
I called the neurologist yesterday and spoke to his nurse/clinician. She said she does not know of anything else that can be done for John and that theirs is the only Parkinson's Clinic in all of BC. However, she will speak to the doctor next week and see if he has any other suggestions.
Definite two thumbs down kind of day - would make it three if I had three hands! (Maybe a big toe?)

Friday, May 28, 2010

Friday, May 28, 2010

John did not sleep at all last night. Today has been fairly rough. The morning was OK - until he got up and by lunchtime the meds were not holding long enough. The rest of the day was not good. He was supposed to go to Surrey hospital today for speech therapy but I cancelled it because he would not be able to take the long car ride there and back again. Have re-scheduled for next week instead.
Tried to run to the store for groceries yesterday and today. Yesterday I got as far as the store parking lot and he called for me to come home as he needed help. Today I got my coat on but decided he was in too rough a shape and stayed home. Will try again tomorrow - maybe early morning when he is still asleep (hopefully).
Think (I hope) the e-mail scam is mostly behind me. Have made sure the Yahoo account is completely closed.
A friend (knowing it was a scam) e-mailed back offering money to me and was given an address for Western Union to send the money to. Have passed that info on to the police. 
Have to say this was maybe a one and a half thumbs down day (but how do I do that????)

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Thursday, May 28, 2919

John had trouble getting to sleep last night because of the pain but once asleep, he slept very well.
This morning he felt great - until he moved. He still has pain from yesterday's ordeal and moving around is difficult - especially changing from sitting or lying positions. Otherwise he had a good morning and afternoon.
Tonight was a different story. The meds just seemed to stop working - no reason that I can figure out.
When everything is exactly the same each hour why does it sometimes work fine and sometime not??
Our friend Dawn came over and stayed with John for this afternoon which allowed me time to go out to Gateway and help Margie with some things in the office.
John was feeling so lousy this evening that he went to bed early in the hopes he could "sleep it off"
So I would have to give this morning and afternoon a one thumbs up

 But tomight became a definite one thumbs down!!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

If I am asked about what I do these days I will have to say that I spend a lot of my time sitting in tiny little curtained cubicles in the hospital!!
Took John to the surgeon at 10am this morning for him to look at the blocked feeding tube. He said he could not deal with it at the office as he would have to change the tube so to meet him at ambulatory care at the hospital.
Once there - and through all the admitting procedures etc - we were taken to an examining room. The surgeon cut off the existing tube and began to probe and prod the area the tube goes in. This was very painful for John so finally the surgeon said he would have to freeze the area. Once frozen he poked and twisted and then got out a scalpel and really went to work. Finally he said that he could not fix it there and that John would have to be taken to day surgery for him to scope and then redo the initial operation. He bandaged up the now bleeding wound and sent us off.
Waited from 2:30 - 6:30 in day surgery - after more paper work and more admitting procedures. Finally he was taken to the operating room. The surgeon reported afterwards that the tube had somehow become dislodged from the stomach and that they had to "carve" (his words) it out of the intestinal wall and put a new tube into the stomach. Apparently this is a very rare occurance. He said John was a "special" case - well, we know that!
Got home, with John, at 10pm. He is in much more pain than from the original surgery - even with morphine at the hospital and T3's when we got home. Hopefully he will sleep through the night. We can start to use the new feeding tube tomorrow - PTL!
Pehaps a one thumb down day with a one thumb up result???

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

John slept for about 2 hours last night. It's been a long day. And a difficult one.
Seems that my e-mail was compromised and all my friends received an e-mail saying I was in England and needed money to get home. My phone rang constantly all morning - but on the positive side I got to talk to lots of people I have not heard from in ages!!! Apparently Gateway, and even WEC Headquarters in Hamilton, wee also fielding calls. I am touched by people's concern - and sorry that I was the cause of it no matter how innocently.
The major concern, of course, was that nobody send money to these people.
The difficulty was that they had changed my password so I could not access my account and send out e-mails to everyone telling them it was a scam.
And I could not access my address book to get the addresses to send it out on my hotmail account.
So I opened a new account on gmail and spent the whole day typing in the addesses from an old list that I had from last year. I know there are changes, and new addresses added, that I have missed. But I did the best I could.
Turned out the my Facebook account was also deactivated because it was linked to my Yahoo account.
My new e-mail is Same for Facebook.
In the meantime, beween all the calls, I phoned the surgeon's office and was told that he did not have office hours today as he was in surgery all day.The secretary agreed to talk to him when he was done and then get back to me.
Late this afternoon she called to say that the surgeon would see John in his office tomorrow morning.
So we perseved through another day of choking down meds etc. He managed to drink one can of protein drink, a half a glass of instant breakfast, and a dish of ice cream.
This evening, in particular, the meds were not holding well at all and he was in a lot of distress.
I am praying he will sleep well tonight.
I think a 2 thumbs down day is not enough for today!!!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Monday May 24 2010

Happy Birthday Queen Vivtoria!
Rough day for John. When he woke up this norning he had blood all down his forhead and into his eyebrow and all over his pillow. Looked like he had fallen and hit his head. But when I cleaned it off there was no mark at all and he had not been out of bed all night. Have looked in his ears, nose and head and have not found where it came from. A mystery.
 Trying to get meds and nourishment into him without the tube is a struggle. He has not felt well all day. When I changed the dressing on the tube incision it looks like it is bleeding again. Sure hope we can get in to see the surgeon tomorrow.
Another two thumbs down day.

Sunday, May 23

Not a good day today. The feeding tube continues to give problems - and now it is hurting as well. Managed to get most of his meds down orally but he has not had much to eat. Margie and Jean came for supper and he was able to sit at the table and eat some ice cream with us. Tonight he is having a lot of back pain due to the muscle contractions when the meds are not working right.
One more day to get through and then HOPEFULLY we can get the surgeon and get this attended to.
Another two thumbs down day.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Saturday May 22, 2010

Not a good day today. The feeding tube will not take any quatity of liquid. Have managed to get through the day with a combination of forcing little bits of meds down the tube (which is starting to hurt when we do that)  or taking them by mouth. Have only tried to get the Parkinsons meds into him - not any of the other meds or vitamins he takes. He has managed to drink a couple of cans of his protein drink (he is supposed to have 6 a day) and has eaten some ice cream. Tonight I had to give him extra meds just an hour after he had taken them because they did not seem to be working at all. Tuesday (when I can contact the surgeon re the tube) seems a long way off.

Two thumbs down for sure.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Friday, May 21, 2010

John did not get to sleep well last night. Therefore he could not wake up for me to give him his 6:30 am meds orally. I decided to see if I could get enough through the blocked feeding tube and it went quite easily. I thought that maybe all the flushing and poking they did in the ER last night had finally worked. However, as the day went on it became harder and harder to get the fluids in and finally John began to say that it hurt. So I called the surgeon - and guess what? He does not work Fridays - or holidays. So I cannot get in touch with him until next Tuesday at the earliest. I am not sure how we will make out until them. Worst comes to worst we will have to pray he can swallow enough to go back to giving him the meds orally and hope he can drink some of his protein drink as well.
Today was OK although he had a couple of bad spells and a really bad one tonight because I was late with his 10:30 meds.
I feel like it has been a one thumbs down day just because it was so discouraging.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Thursday, May 20, 2010

As Maggie Muggins would say, "All in all it's been quite a day because....."
After sleeping for most of the night, John had a really bad day. He felt poorly all day - and the meds were not working well. He felt so bad that when Bishop Ron Ferris came to visit and give him communion, he did not even get up out of bed.
After Ron left, I found that I could not get his protein drink to go through the feeding tube. I had noticed over the last few days that I had to push harder and harder to get it through the tube. After examining it, we decided that the blockage was not anywhere we could get at it.
I called the doctor who said - go to the hospital.
Spend from 4pm - 10pm in emergency - most of it in the waiting room where John had to sit up. He wanted to have a place to lay down but they were too busy and did not have a bed for him anywhere.
When we finally got into a cubicle, and a doctor came, he agreed that it was blocked. He called the surgeon who put in the tube, and followed his instructions, but both the flushing out, and sticking a wire down the tube, did not help. So they sent us home and told me to call the surgeon tomorrow. Can hardly wait!!
In the meantime, John is having to take his meds by mouth again. He has not had anything to eat since this morning except for one ice cream on a stick.
Not at all sure how I will get his sleeping pills into him as they have a horrible taste so dissolving them in liquid for him to drink, is not a good option.
Definitely a two thumbs down day today!!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Wednesday May 19, 2010

I am amazed at how many friends have mentioned they are checking the blog and praying along with us on this journey. Thank you one and all.
John did not get to sleep until after 4am - so we have been tired today. However, he had quite a good day in terms of the meds working better. He is now on a regime of meds one hour and feed the next - from 6:30 am until 10:30 or 12:30 depending on when he goes to bed. They worked fine all day and he only had two times they did not hold through until the next dose one of ten minutes and one of twenty. Both in  the evening. So that was better than usual.
The neurologist's nurse clinician called back today - finally - and basically said do whatever I have to do to keep him as comfortable as possible. She has ordered more meds for me from the pharmacy as with the doses closer together he is now getting the meds 9 or 10 times a day rather than 6. She will check with the doctor but does not think there is anything else that can be done to help John's body absorb the meds any better. He is just resistant to them.
A definite one thumbs up kind of day.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Tuesday May 18, 2010

John slept well last night. The morning was good too. In the afternoon he began to have periods when the meds were not working but these periods usually lasted not more than 20 minutes. Unfortunately those 20 minutes are very severe and he is in great discomfort at those times.
The neurologist's answering machine today says that they are busier than usual and it may take longer to return the call. Hmmmmm
Although we skipped one of the times for his feeding because he was not feeling well, he still bottomed out before the next meds time - meaning it was not the protein in the feed causing the problem. He did manage a trip to the massage therapist.
Not a bad day - one thumbs up

Monday, May 17, 2010

Monday May 17, 2010

John did not get to sleep until well after 3am. He could not seem to cough up the phlegm that was rattling around in his chest and he was quite uncomfortable.
Today was a repeat of yesterday. Not really bad but no really good periods either.
The neurologist has not returned my phone call.

Sunday May 16, 2010

Well the good news is it was not a bad day - the bad news is it was not a good day. Another roller coaster day although the ups and downs were not as steep. Although it was a beautiful day he did not feel well enough to join me on the deck and enjoy the sunshine.
Hope to get through to the neurologist ( well - his nurse) tomorrow and see what they have to say.
The bed sore does not seem to be getting any better yet.
On Friday John told the doctor that he does not want any extraordinary measures taken to keep him alive or bring him back when he dies - he said "Dying from Parkinsons is hard - I don't want to have to do it twice"
A so-so day.
No rating.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Saturday May 15, 2010

John had great difficulty getting to sleep last night. His mouth was bothering him. It was well past 3am before he was able to get some sleep.(Meds start at 6am so it makes for a short night)  So he slept later this morning. Had a fairly good day - some ups and downs but no real bad spells. Was able to come with Margie, Jean and I to the Christian book store in Abbotsford. He sat in the coffee shop and had a Gelato while we shopped. Meds gave out and he had to go and lay down in the car before we were done - but was feeling better again by the time we got home. Was able to join Margie, Jean, Debbie and I on the sun deck for supper - he had some ice cream. Unfortunately, that sent his blood sugars up too high so he felt badly for awhile afterwards 
Weather was absolutely wonderful today - summertime.
Got him a rubber ring to sit on because of the bed sore and that seems to have helped with that problem. Although it is very red and angry looking it has not broken open and is not infected.
An absolute one thumbs up day.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Friday May 14, 2010

John woke up at 8 am this morning saying he felt better than he had felt in a long time. He got up and had a little cereal. But by 10am he was not feeling as well and by lunch time he was feeling pretty rough. The meds worked very poorly all afternoon and evening and all in all he had a rough day.
He has also developed a pressure sore (bed sore) at the base of his spine which is from all the sitting he does every day. So we had to make another trip to the doctor.
Yesterday was the last day for the antibiotics he was on and today he began a new batch of a different kind for another two weeks because of the sore.
A definite one thumbs down day.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Thursday May 13, 2010

The past few days have been about the same - ups and downs. Not a lot to report.
Today was the last day for the antibiotics and they do not seem to have made any difference.
John has been having a difficult time getting to sleep at night so it is often 2 or 3 am before he settles down. Makes for a short night when meds are at 6am!!!
Had a visit from former Gateway students - Kim and Derryl Bloomfield the other afternoon. John was feeling quite good during that time and enjoyed the visit very much.
Today our friend Dawn Magee came over from Tsawwassen and stayed with John for a few hours so that I could get out and do some shopping etc. It was wonderful to be able to complete everything I needed to do without the hourly time limit I am usually working within.
John had a fairly good day today - ups and downs but not as severe as they have been in the last few days.
All in all I would have to say this has been a one thumbs up day.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Monday May 10, 2010

John did not sleep much last night. Today was another roller coaster - sometimes feeling OK and sometimes crashing. I have tried to lessen the three hours between meds but it is not making much difference at this point. I cannot call the specialist back until the 7 days of taking the antibiotics are over. Frustration is the biggest enemy at this point.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Sunday, May 9, 2010

A day with a lot of ups and downs.
John woke up at 8am and announced he thought he felt good enough to try to go to church today. But by the time I started to get him dressed, he said he was not feeling well enough to go. When it was nearly church time, he felt so badly that he asked me to stay with him, so neither of us got to church today!
In the afternoon he was up again and dressed when our friend Margie arrived with Jean Cloe, a return volunteer just arrived at Gateway. We had a nice visit on the deck for awhile and then suddenly John said he had to go to bed, and stayed there for several hours because he was feeling quite poorly.
He spent most of the evening on the couch watching TV but has some times he felt not so bad and others he was really in distress.
The antibiotics do not seem to be making any difference at all - so far. It appears to be a crap shoot whether the meds are going to work at any given time or not.
Can't really give a thumbs up or a thumbs down on today. More like a roller coaster I think.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Saturday May 8,2010

Better day today. John slept well last night and said he felt good when he first woke up - not as good as yesterday morning - but OK. In the afternoon Gateway staff, Margie and Trudy, came to visit. John was able to sit out on the deck with us and enjoy the sunshine and the fellowship. The meds seemed to last better through most of the day. In the evening he had a little distress but not as bad as the previous nights have been. All in all I would have to say this was a one thumbs up day.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Friday May 7, 2010

After a good night's sleep John woke up this morning feeling quite good. We planned on going out and getting several things done we have not been able to do since he got out of hospital. He even felt good enough to take a shower ( rather than the sponge bath method ).
However, this did not last and by noon he was beginning to crash again - and we did not get any of the things done we had hoped to accomplish. Things just went downhill from there. He had a poor afternoon and an even more difficult evening. At one point we skipped one feeding so I could give him more of the Parkinson's meds because he was in such distree.
Why would the meds work for awhile and then not? The regime is so structured that there is little room for anything being different from one time to the next. It is very frustrating and puzzling. So far the antibiotics do not seem to be making any difference.
So one thumbs up for the morning but one down for the rest of the day!!!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Thursday May 6, 2010

After a really good night's sleep, I thought we would be set for a good day. But  not so. In fact, this has been the poorest day John has had since he was in hospital. In the afternoon he managed to get from the bed to the couch in the living room. But he felt lousy and the meds for the Parkinsons were just not kicking in excwpt for two brief periods when he was able to sit up and read the newspaper for awhile.
Don't know if the heavy doses of antibiotics are affecting the meds or not.
Anyway would have to say that this was a two thumbs DOWN day.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Wed May 5, 2010

John had a ood night last night - slept through until the morning. That makes it easier for both of us!!
But today was not great. I tried giving him his meds in two and a half rather than three hours to see if that would be OK. However it did not seem to make any differenve. He stuill turned "off" before it was time for the next meds and in several cases he had very bad attacks. He was having great difficulty breathing and did not want me to leave him because he felt like he could pass out at any time. These were more severe than usual.  The only good thing was that they only lasted about 20 minutes.
I finally got all the meds from the pharmacy late this afternoon. So tonight was the first administration of the new antibiotics. He will take them for 7 days.

I'd have to say this was a one thumbs down kind of day.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

May 4th

John had a bad night last night. He slept very little. He also did not sleep in this morning. I expected that that would result in a bad day - but it has been one of the better ones.
I decided to give him his meds and feeding every two and a half rather than three hours apart. Makes it harder to remember the timings but seemed to help for most of the day. But he had a really bad session this evening - said he just could not get his breath at all. However, it passed within about 20 minutes. There seems to be no rhyme or reason - sometimes they work - sometimes they do not.
Went to the GP today as recommended by the neurologist and got a presciption for meds IN CASE he has a bacteria in the intestinal tract that is preventing the drugs from being absorbed. London Drugs had to send one of them out to a special pharmacy to have it made into a liquid form for me to give to John through the tube. I will get them tomorrow and we will start on the added regime of two antibiotics twice a day with food and another one a half hour before his breakfast. My timer only has 12 settings - I need about 18 at this point!!!
I guess you could say it was a one thumbs up day - not great but not too bad.

Monday, May 3, 2010

May 3, 2010

I have found it very difficult to keep everyone updated on John's condition but we have greatly appreciated all of the love, concern and prayer we have received. So I decided to follow the example of a friend of ours, and write a blog instead. This way, I have only one entry to write, and all of you can check it whenever you want an update.

However, today, because it is the first one, I will give a history of how we have come to this point in John's disease.

Six years ago John was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease. For the first few years it was a fairly mild form, with some shaking and tendency to "freeze" when he tried to walk. These are typical symptoms of Parkinsons and were controlled fairly well with a medication call Sinemet.

Since there is no know cause or cure for Parkinsons, and since symptoms vary greatly with people as does the rate of the progression of the disease, the prognosis is also varied. Parkinsons is not usually a fatal disease in itself - but does lead to other complications like falls or pneumonia or other life-threatening complications.

About three years ago John began to have times in the day when he could not get his breath, felt very weak etc. After examining almost every organ he owns (and finding out he was in great shape for the shape he was in) it was determined that he simply was not getting enough of his Parkinsons meds. They were increased substantially and others added to increase their effectiveness. After a lot of trial and error, we finally found a combination which kept him fairly comfortable. He took them every three hours and as long as they were not taken with a meal that had much protein in it, they worked well.

But as with many medications, these do not come without side effects.

Last summer John began to claim that he had "things" in his mouth - strings, wires, curly ribbons, sequins glued to his teeth etc. We thought he was going crazy! It turned out that all these sensations are being caused by the meds but they are very real, and very uncomfortable to him. At the same time, he also complained of the saliva in his mouth tasting horrible and thus changing the taste of food. Sometimes he would choke on his saliva as it "gushed" into his mouth.

The result of all this was that he began to eat less and less. He lost a great deal of weight and currently weighs 116 pounds. These sensations also tend to get worse in the evening which makes it very difficult for him to sleep.

The neurologist has never had another patient with these symptoms - and although we know they are caused by the meds as they disappear when he does not have them - there does not seem to be anything that can be done for it as he has to have the meds.

Parkinsons is a disease that affects the muscles which are not getting enough dopamine to do what they are supposed to do. Sinemet is a drug that supplies a synthetic form of dopamine.

The muscles in John's face and throat are now being affected, making chewing and swallowing more and more difficult. Tests showed that John no longer swallows automatically but has to consciously think about it - which causes a build up of saliva in his mouth too. He also has a delayed swallow which has meant that the epiglotis does not close quicly enough over his airway and that can mean that food or meds may go down the wrong way, causing aspiration and this has led to several bouts ( 4 in the last two months acutally) of pneumonia.

Finally there began to be times when he could not swallow his meds at all.

Therefore, the decision was made a few weeks ago to put a feeding tube into his stomach so that meds and nourishment could be given to him that way.

He gets 6 cans of a high protein supplement each day. They are easy to give to him. If he feels like eating regular food and can get it down, he can still eat as well. He likes ice cream.

But while the feeding problem is more or less solved (even though I feel like I am back to giving formula to the baby) the meds have proved to be a much bigger problem.

When he was able to take the pills orally, he was on two different forms of Sinemet - a fast acting one and a slow release one. One looked after the inital need and one took him through to the next dose. But with the tube feeding, everything needs to be in liquid form and the slow release pill gets it's properties from the covering around the pill that allows for the slow release of the med. So he cannot have that any more.

The result has been that the fast release does not last for the full 3 hours. In fact, he spends at least an hour or more out of every three hours in great discomfort - I think to say agony would not be an overstatement. He not only cannot get his breath (because the muscles are tightening around his lungs), his vision becomes blurred and one eye closes completely,the muscles in in back go into spasm,  he becomes sweaty and very weak and unable to walk on his own. This means I cannot leave him alone when he is like this. In medical terminology - when the meds are working he is "on" and when they are not he is turned "off".

The neurologist has tried to add other meds to increase the effectiveness but this has not helped.

The meds cannot be given closer than every three hours because the high protein feed is given in betwen each one and there has to be an hour seperating the two or the meds just do not work at all. I was told it is like a bus - if the protein fills up all the seats then there is no room for the Sinemet to sit down.

Once again the neurologist has not had another patient like this. Leave it to John to be so special!! Today the specialist went on line and found one example of someone who had similar symptoms and it was estabished that the problem was an intestinal infection. So, tomorrow our GP will give John some antibiotics just to see if he might have the same problem. If not, then neither the specialist, the GP, or anyone else we know of, has any idea how to help John.

Please, if you are a praying person, pray that they will find a solution to enable the drugs to work properly and for John to rest comfortably in the day, sleep at night, and gain back some weight and some strength.

Many of you have asked how I am making out.

Thank you everyone for your concern for me too. Actually, I am doing quite well. Although life is now very structured with meds or feeding every hour and a half from 6am in the morning until midnight, I find that I am handling it all quite easily. No, I do not have any help coming in at this point because I really do not feel I need it. When I do need it, I will get it. I still manage to run out to the store etc. during the hour or so John feels OK. Once in awhile John feels well enough to go out with me. Those are special times. Saturday night we managed to have supper at IHOP and John even ate a bit of supper there.

My greatest difficulty is having to watch John suffer so much and being unable to do much to ease his suffering.

Sorry this has been so long. I promise the future posts will be shorter.

