Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A Life Well Lived

John passed away just before noon today, April 12, 2011.
I got to the Hospice just before 11am and knew as soon as I saw him that it would not be very long. He was sleeping but working so hard to take each breath, and you could hear what they call the "death rattle" between each breath.
I was able to pray with him, read scripture, tell him how much I love him, and thank him for 45 years as a faithful and wonderful husband.
One of the nurses came in and was with me when his breathing just slowed down and finally stopped. It was very peaceful.
I called Margie and she came over to be with me and we just sat with him for awhile. Then I packed up his things and came home.
I have not talked to the funeral parlour yet so I do not have any details at this time.
Actually I intend to have his body cremated and have a memorial service for him in Langley and then return to Ontario for the funeral and burial. But beyond that I do not have details.
Thanks to every one of you who have given us such support through your love and prayers. Each one of you has been a blessing to us.


  1. What a joy to have known John and shared wonderful times of worship, prayer, and laughter -- always laughter! On behalf of myself and all of us at Partners in Hope who loved John, we give thanks for the gift of his life and celebrate his time now face to face with the Lord Jesus he loved.

    I can only say to you Bev, that we hold you before the Father with deep love.

  2. Dear Bev,

    Our love and prayers are with you. You and John were such a wonderful and encouraging part of our lives while we were in Tsawwassen, and it was always lovely to see you once we left for Seattle.

    How wonderful to know that John is with the Lord. We will see him again, and meanwhile he is enjoying his "Welcome Home" party!!

    We know that Lord will be close to you during these coming days. May you be conscious of His presence, and aware of His love in a way you didn't know was possible.

    We love you and will continue to pray for you.

    Peace & Love,
    Holly M. <>< & John Roddam +

  3. Bev, this is such a moving blog.. I have been reflecting as I am reading and much thoughts came to my mind by your sharing. I realise that Life is not about achievements and studies, it really is about the people around us. Funny how death always bring this thought to my mind, but when I a just living, I am drowned by all the success and business and good marks and money and possession that this world cares about.

    Thank you for taking time to share with us this wonderful journey with John that you had. This is one of the most amazing thing that technology has brought to us...to bring friends together and to share with them what is precious to us.

    I am deeply sorry that I can't be there with you, but I am much with you in my thought.

    It is you and John that brought my husband into my life, your faithful prayers, and many in Gateway.

    And I will never forget the funny jokes that John talked about...wow. that was 6 years ago....time just flies...

    Keep in touch and keep writing about yourself too....I would always like to know how you are doing.

    love, Maria
