Monday, April 11, 2011

Monday, April 11, 2011

Each day seems to bring new challenges. Today John had developed a lot of congestion on his chest. It sounded much worse than anything he has experienced before. He was coughing a lot but not bringing up much mucous. Every breath sounded like he was snoring, and every cough sounded like he would drown in the liquid. The nurses used the nebulizer on him (saline mist through a mask) and that seemed to clear it up for an hour or so and then it began again. Every time he coughed he seemed to be choking on the phlegm and could not get his breath, even though, even with the suction machine, there did not seem to be much actually coming up. They gave him a second treatment with the nebulizer but it did not seem to help as much. I was afraid to leave him because I was afraid he would choke on it. However, they finally got him turned on his side and when the sleeping meds took effect, he went to sleep and stopped coughing. Please pray he will get through the night as they only check on him periodically.
The good news was that the meds seemed to be working better for the pain and rigidity. He only had one bad spell - and one "zombie" attack.
The doctor popped in today but will come in and talk to us at length tomorrow.
Apparently today was a bad day at the Hospice, several patients having a very hard day (I don't know if John was included in that or not) and a new patient admitted. It meant that I had to chase down meds several times in order to get them to him on time. I am afraid I am getting a reputation amongst the nurses - and not necessarily a positive one.
Did not leave until after 10pm tonight and I am tired.
Two thumbs down today

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